Ginny and I are working hard to finish up new Valentine's Day mini-books for the store! There will be mazes, coloring pages, sudokus, hidden words, sweet matches, and so much more! (You can see a sneak peak of the puzzles in the editing process above.) We are trying to get them all done (and that's for grades k through 6) in just a couple more days. So if you are in the market for some fun Valentine's Day puzzles for your kids, just wait a few more days and they will be ready!
But if you need something right now, we actually have two different formats already available at The Puzzle Den!
These puzzles are full sheet size and require no extra steps. Just print and hand out to your students. It is a quick and easy option. There are 3 sets with 15 puzzles each that you can purchase.
Lower Elementary - grades 1-3
Upper Elementary - grades 4-6
Bundle of Lower and Upper
We also have a teeny-tiny version. These puzzles print up on one sheet of paper. Then you make a small cut, do some folding, and a teeny-tiny book is born! There are 6 to 7 puzzles on each sheet. These make totally awesome gifts for teachers to give to their students. And they are tiny, so they fit into those little Valentine's Day mailboxes that many students make to collect their Valentine's cards. You can purchase these 8 different ways.
Bundle includes k-6
But my favorite version is the mini-book format. For these, each printed page contains two puzzles. You simply cut the pages in half along the gray line, collate the pages, and staple on the left edge. There really isn't a set in stone order for the pages, so you have a lot of flexibility in how you put these together. You can even create two mini-books from each single print by only including half of the puzzles in each book. You'd have to print two cover pages, but this option saves on printing costs. The mini-books also come with complete answer keys.
In just a few more days, you should see those Valentine's Day Mini-Books hitting the store!

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