Ginny gave me this cute little pocket puzzle for Christmas. It was just the right size to fit in my stocking!
Qboid is made by Brainwright. They market it for ages 8 and up and call it a "wonderful introduction to the world of twisty puzzles." And I agree! It is a very cute little puzzle and very easy to solve. This is great for people who find the Rubik's Cube too challenging (like me). So I think that puzzle lovers even younger than 8 would get a kick out of this too.
The best part about this puzzle is that it does fit in your pocket! Or purse...or wherever else you might store a little puzzle for emergency situations. Seems to me that it would make a fun little fidget toy too.

Hi Les! Could I send you a product for review/discussion? Thanks for your time.
Hi Gregory, You can send me products if you like, but I make no guarantees about what I'll think about them! You can email me at thepuzzledenATgmailDOTcom. Thanks!
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