Here is an oldie but goodie! This is a puzzle I created several years ago. You can find it in the Freebies/Fun Friday section of my blog (or click the picture to just see this puzzle). These were little puzzle packs I put together for older students. There are 10 sets of them available, and even though the puzzles were written in 2013, they are still a lot of fun! So check those out, if you have some bored older students.
I decided to resurrect this puzzle because it is a great visual puzzle that can be solved right off the computer screen. So no need to print at home. I don't know about everyone else, but I am on my last packet of printing paper right now, so I'm trying not to print too much!
Also, this is one of my favorites! Ginny and I already had a laugh over the "Do Not Stop" and "Dead Children at Play" signs this morning. It's a fun puzzle and also informative as there is information on sign color and shape at the bottom of the page that are also helpful clues.
I hope this helps brighten your day!

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