With many public schools closing down for the rest of the year, I decided to try to offer more free puzzles here on my blog. I hope parents and teachers find these useful for keeping those active minds busy for a short while at least. I'll try to offer a mixture of challenge levels. If your kids find one of the puzzles especially pleasing, let me know and I will try to make more of that type. I'll post them here as I get them done.
These are meant to be printed out for use, but some puzzles can be solved straight off the computer. This is useful if you don't have a printer handy. This Picto-Scrambles can be solved without a printer. You can just have your children jot their answers down on a piece of paper or call them out to you. That could be a fun way to spend some time together! Also check out the 'Freebies' tab above where you can find other types of puzzles, some of which may work without printing too.
You can download this puzzle by clicking the picture above or here. It will take you to Google Drive and you will receive a PDF file. The first page is the puzzle and the second page is the answers. So only print the first page! You can simply reference the answers on your computer if your kids need help.
Wishing everyone good health!
The Puzzle Den

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