Another year has passed and I have read more books! Here is my year in review from Goodreads, if you'd like to take a peek.
I'm pretty sure it's only of interest to me, but I like to share anyway. You never know when a reader will stop by. And just so you know, I mostly read science fiction or things nearly sci-fi. This year did find me reading a ton of fantasy, but not high fantasy, so I rather enjoyed it! I also reread all the Murderbot books again, even though I just read most of them last December. They are just that good! Also the newest book in the series came out in November, so I wanted to be fresh.
It was a Brandon Sanderson and Martha Wells year for sure, with a bit of Ann Leckie tossed in. Next up on the to-read list are books by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Nnedi Okorafor, NK Jemisin, and a co-authored book by Amil El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. I've also got a new CJ Cherryh to read and a Connie Willis! So much good stuff, and I never catch up!