It's the end of the year and time for all the year end synopses! I don't keep track of a lot of things, but I have almost always kept track of the books I've read. It started way back in high school in the 80's with a sheet of college lined paper, and today it is all tracked on Goodreads. I'm an ebook reader so my kindle tracks things for me and that makes things easier. I'm currently not on good terms with Amazon, but that said, I have had a kindle for too many years to give it up. And I've tracked books on Goodreads for too long too (and they're owned by Amazon also...Audible too ugh) Anyhow, if you are in any way curious about my 2022 year in books, you can click the link below.
I just managed to hit my goal by reading a bunch of Murderbot Diaries books right there at the end (the first several are novellas). Total books read is 36 with 12,996 pages. The longest book was the Mistborn Trilogy with 2176 pages. I bought it as a combined trilogy and let Goodreads count it as one book, just so I could say I read a book that was 2000 pages long! lol It's silly I know! Anyhow, some good re-reads this year and a couple really good new books. I was blown away by Well's Murderbot books, Howey's Sand sequel, and Chamber's Tea Monk sequel...all so delicious! I also thoroughly enjoyed Sanderson's Mistborn series although I'm not usually into fantasy so much. He does a delightful job of creating a unique (to me) magic system and some kick butt characters!
Well, I could go on and on (just ask my friends and family who are seriously tired of hearing about what Murderbot did today!), but I will leave you with this...Stories are amazing. I hope you find some in the next year that delight you too!

(PS - This is a blog about puzzles for younger persons. I am not recommending the above books for young readers, just sharing what I've read. That said, most of them could be read by near-teens and teens. And some of them are actually young adult books. There is definitely murder and mayhem in many of these, but as Murderbot says "touching is gross", so not a lot of that kind of thing. Which does lead to the discussion of which bad thing is worse, sex or violence? (and is sex bad??) Anyway, too deep for this blog. And now I've bored you, or incited you. Apologies.)
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