Halloween Mini Puzzle Books are on sale until Oct 31st, 2021!
Halloween is next week! It is our favorite holiday. My kids are too old to trick or treat (have been for years) but they still love dressing up and handing out candies! If you are looking for a unique way to celebrate Halloween with your kids, try one of my Halloween Mini Puzzle Books. They are packed with 15 puzzles and answer keys. I have books available for grades K through 6 and each grade has unique puzzles. These puzzle books are four dollars in my store. They print on eleven sheets of paper, which you then cut in half and staple together. If you don't want to print the answer key, you can just print the eight pages of puzzles.
I also have Teeny-Tiny Halloween Puzzle Books available. These little guys are one dollar each and print onto a single sheet of paper. One small snip and some folding and you can create this cute little book! Kids would love getting one of these books in their treat bags!
I hope everyone has a super awesome (and spooky) Halloween this year!

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