Sunday, February 2, 2020

FREE President's Day Teeny-Tiny Puzzle Books

 The Puzzle Den - Teeny Tiny President's Day for lower elementary

It's been 5 years in the making! Or five years of procrastinating... But Teeny-Tiny President's Day Puzzle Book for Lower Elementary students is now available! You can download this one for free from my TpT store. The Teeny-Tiny book for upper elementary is also available for free in my store.

These are puzzles that print on one sheet of paper. Some folding and a cut are required to get them into teeny-tiny puzzle book shape, but it's not too complicated!

These two puzzles books will always be free. You can give them a try to see if you like them. I also have teeny-tiny books for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. These versions are grade specific, so there is a different set of puzzles for grade 1, grade 2, etc. Each puzzle book costs only one dollar! Valentine's Day is actually a couple days before President's Day. Grab a bunch of these and have fun celebrating crazy holidays in February with your students!


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