I am currently working on Christmas Puzzle Mini-books for grades K-6. I have finished grades K-3 so far, and you can find them for sale in my TpT store. Grade 4 should be out this afternoon and grades 5 & 6 are half way there.
The mini-books for all the grades except Kindergarten include a Kriss Kross puzzle. (For the younger grades, these puzzles are a little different as each grid gets its own word list. That makes them easier to solve.) I got carried away creating these little Kriss Kross grids and had a bunch left over, so I used them to create a free puzzle page!
The word list contains all the words that you will need to place in the grids. The dark shaded spaces are where you should enter a Christmas related word for each grid. So the challenge is to figure out which words are Christmas related and then figure out which grid to put them in! For the page above, there are 2 6-letter-word grids, 2 7-letter-word grids, and 1 9-letter-word grid. One way to get solving is to count the number of letters in the words in the word list, then you will know which grids they are more likely to belong to. I have provided a couple of letter clues in 2 of the grids for additional help.
I'm thinking that older elementary students and teens will enjoy this free puzzle. You can find the answers here.

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