Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Free Halloween Rebus Puzzles

The Puzzle Den - Halloween Rebus Puzzles - Easier

Only two more weeks until Halloween and time for some new free puzzles!

I've had a request for more rebus puzzles, and since I didn't have any Halloween ones, that seemed like a good idea.  You can download the one above from Google Drive by clicking on the picture, or here.  This one has easier puzzles.  These are pictures that I think younger kids can identify and spell easily enough.

The Puzzle Den - Halloween Rebus Puzzles - Harder

And you can click on this picture, or here, to download the harder version.  This level has more puzzles to solve and harder pictures to figure out.  Is is a gasoline can, just can, or just gas?  This particular puzzle page includes an opposite picture and a 2 word rebus! 

You may want to give younger kids the easier version and older kids the harder version.  You can also give the easier page as a warm-up to the harder page. 

Download the answer keys here.

Here are some puzzles for you to try to see if you like them!

Happy Halloween!

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