We have a new look! And we are totally loving it! The old bear and den are gone. Replaced by this mama bear and her cub. Our banners feature a den, in case you were wondering where that had gotten to! We figured our store needed its very own art. Our new look was created by Jadyn Thone who is amazing and also did a fancy rotating quote thingy for our TpT store. You can check out Jadyn's store here. And you can check out The Puzzle Den here. You really should see that rotating quote thing!
So I've been very busy trying to update everything with the new logo. Jadyn also created a new cover template for our products. It's a lot of work to change all the covers, but it's looking really nice. Here's an example:
As I update the covers, I'm also going back through everything, checking for errors and making sure everything really shines! Any products from TpT that you own can always be re-downloaded. There are no time limits to download your purchases on TpT. So check your "My Purchases" pages often and look for "Newly Revised Re-Download" underneath the products to see which products have been refreshed. Then click "Download Now" to get updated versions. It's probably something you check on at least twice a year. Many sellers update their products to fix typos and generally fancy things up. It's always nice to have the most recent versions too!
Counting Mazes and Skip Counting Mazes got quite the overhaul! I replaced all the border graphics. I had drawn the old ones myself, and they just weren't quite high-quality. I also replaced most of the clip art. Both of these sets are from my early months on TpT, and I didn't have access to the really good clip art yet. Now all the graphics really shine! You can download an example pair of mazes and give them a try by clicking on the picture below.
So over the next couple months, I will continue to update all the old products. I don't know if I've mentioned it, but my daughter Ginny has joined me in this venture. She helps me with ideas and error checking. She also helps motivate me! She is motivated by a 25% share in the profits. All of which goes in her savings account for college. She's been really helpful since we decided on this store sharing, and hopefully we will keep things rolling along!

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