I haven't been very good at keeping the blog up-to-date these past couple months, but that's because we moved (again). Here's a pic of our new house...we're so poor, we had to rent a condemned place. Just kidding! That's our decorations from Halloween! We have been in our new place since Oct 2015. And we love it! We are finally back in Virginia, which is my favorite state.
Sorry that it's been hit or miss around here. I'll be trying harder to keep up with things...for my two or three regular readers!
First, let me share a couple of puzzle related items that you might find interesting.
Here's a wonderful little math puzzler for you to figure out. Watch the video to hear the challenge. Then get thinking! No really! You should try this. You don't have to love math to be able to figure this one out. It is surprisingly easy. Although, it sounds like it will be really, really hard!
Don't scroll down the video page or you might accidentally see that answer in the comments!
If you want a small hint, try writing out the numbers like this 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, then above those start trying different ideas. Remember that your number must start with a 1 or greater, thus, you can't have zero 0's. At first, I wrote my numbers backwards, like this, 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0, because I had a brain fart. And that doesn't work at all. Anyhow, watch the video and try a couple things. I think you'll get this!
I saw this coloring book at B&N yesterday. How lovely that they are combining puzzles and coloring!! I almost bought a copy, but I restrained myself...I had other books that were a priority!
Onto personal news...just what have we been up to lately you ask? You mean, besides packing, finding a new house, unpacking, arranging all the utilities, changing all the addresses, finding new homeschool groups, and dealing with cats who hate change? Oh, and let us not forget, the Papa who was still in Korea throughout this moving process, and the reintegration that takes place once he's home again, after a year spent apart. Shwew!
We've had a bunch of company! Friends and family (some that we haven't seen in years!) have come to visit us. We're in such an awesome location now in NoVA.
We've visited some historic sites, like Jamestown and Mt Vernon. And we have been able to spend more time with our Va Beach buddies! We also have been to the Smithsonian Air & Space already, Old Town Alexandria, and the Baltimore Aquarium!
And we've played a ton of games! You can see Samurai, Settlers of Catan, Wombat Rescue, Ticket to Ride, Blockus, and Timeline in the collage above. We also got a chance to learn Seven Wonders, but I didn't get a pic of that one.
Well, that about sums up the last 3 months. Hope your holidays were awesome!

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