Day Six's project was found on Babble Dabble Do's website. We needed something fairly quick and easy as it was been a pretty busy weekend and this was perfect!
Check out this tutorial very carefully. You'll want to actually read the instructions before you begin...unlike me who thought it was all very obvious and jumped right in!
There actually isn't anything really tricky about this, especially if you've worked with perler beads before. But Ana (Babble Dabble Do) recommends making the tops only 3 to 4 rows wide, and we filled ours right up! Except for Ginny, who wanted a smaller top. I also thought these were made using pencils, and clearly that wasn't going to fit through the tiny center hole. Which is the point where I returned to the website and read that she used bamboo skewers for the centers. Funny thing was, we had just eaten shish kabobs for dinner, so we had a ton of those available!
Turns out, the smaller tops tend to spin best! Although my black and white one worked pretty well too.
Ginny's is the little purple one on the right. Hers definitely spins that best! She's put dots on hers that turn into stripes when its spinning. Jack's is next to hers. We could not get the beads to melt into the center very well, so we wrapped some clear tape around the bamboo stick and that made it thick enough to stay in place. I made the other three tops. My black and white one is the best. I used some beads that have stripes of black and white. When it spins, those beads look grey!
We really enjoyed this project! And it's something you can do while you watch tv or listen to an audio book. It's quick and easy and the tops are totally addicting to spin. Leave them out on the kitchen counter and see if anyone can walk by without giving one a twist!
And a shameless plug for my TpT store. They are having a Back to School sale at Teachers Pay Teachers from August 3rd through the 4th. Participating stores may offer up to 20% off their products. Use TpT's coupon code and you get 28% off all together! So if you are gearing up for this next school year and need some supplies, check out TpT. The teachers there just rock!

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