1) Lots of birds at our bird feeder this week. We've had several yellow finches come to dine. One has a dusty grey back (maybe it's a female), but the other colorings are the same. One has black around his eyes in such a way that it looks like he's wearing steam-punk goggles. Another one has different black markings around his eyes. Our bird feeder is right outside our homeschool room, so we get some good views! The cats have really enjoyed watching too!
2) On Wednesday, we tried some geocaching. Turns out my phone's GPS is not very accurate (I guess they are all like that), so we didn't actually narrow down our search well enough to find the package. We searched for quite a while (I hate giving up), but no luck. We will try again on a weekend when JP and his fancy GPS watch can come with us. Our geocache site was called the Lombard Mill Pond. There's a small trail there and the ruins of an old grist mill. Lots of mosquitoes too!
3) Friday was super busy! JP's class had a family PT morning. We joined them for a walk at Euchee Creek Greenway. I think it was a nice park, but at 6 o'clock in the morning, it's really hard to tell for sure! We didn't think to bring flashlights or glowsticks with us, so it was VERY dark. Lots of trees too. There was one little area with some rocks that looked out over a lake and that was quite enchanting in the moon light. We will have to visit it again during the day, so we can actually see the park! I have no pictures from that adventure.
For lunch, we met Jack's new friend Aaron and his mom at the food court. We spent quite a lot of time chatting! On Saturday, Aaron came over to play with Jack. He said that it was an "exquisite" afternoon. I think Jack just had a lot of fun having someone to do things with. They played some Wii games and some Magic. Maybe they will get together again soon to do some Nerf wars?!
The picture above is from later Friday afternoon. Ginny and I did a little shopping at the mall. Of course, we stopped in at Starbucks! The Teavanna store was also open and they sucked us right in! Ginny and I loved all the samples and we came home with a some Mint tea and a Chocolate Chai! Oh my G.O.S.H!
4) I been working on a little crafty-puzzle idea this week. This is just a sneak preview. I will try to post it tomorrow!
5) I've also been working on some Fall puzzle sets. I have a Kindergarten and Grade 1 set already in my store. Grade 2 is almost done! I've also got another set of History Flashcards almost complete. These will be about the unifications of Italy and Germany in the 1800's.
Enjoy your weekend!

Love hearing about your different birds - I hope they manage to stay clear of the cats! Also interesting to read about your geocaching experience - I've been meaning to give it a try as it look like a lot of outdoor fun :-)
Thanks! We've been getting quite a lot of yellow and purple finches, morning doves, and sparrows. I'm hoping for some cardinals soon! I think the geocaching will just take some determination and checking of different sites. Ginny is very excited to find some treasurea, and this motivates her to go on more hikes!
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