I've just completed a new set in my line of Spanish puzzles for elementary aged learners. This one is themed around baby items. It is jam packed with 15 activities, flashcards, vocabulary list, and a bonus coloring book! There is also an easel version available of all the puzzles, plus 2 assessments.
The 12 vocabulary terms focused on in this unit include items used to take care of baby and things found around the nursery. Several of the puzzles also 'discover' new words within the baby theme.
Words studied in this set are:
el babero, el biberón, la cuna, el pañal, la silla alta, el móvil, el mameluco, el chupete, el talco, el sonajero, la carreola, las toallitas
Extra bonus words discovered while solving the puzzles include:
la pañalera, el cambiador, el peluche, el corral, la pelota, la muñeca, el anillo de dentición
There are a wide variety of puzzles and activities at varying grade levels. This is perfect for homeschoolers or Spanish teachers who teach a range of grades. Just pick appropriate puzzles for each grade/age range and you can teach everyone the same vocabulary for the week! I arrange the puzzles in the PDF so that the easiest ones come first and are geared towards 1st-3rd graders. The last several puzzles will be the hardest and are geared toward 4th-6th graders. There are some in the middle that could work for everyone, but you get to decide which puzzles to assign based on what you know about your students!
The puzzles included in this set are:
Identify, Marching, Alphabet Stew, Missing Letters, Easy Word Search, Crossword, What is it?, Hidden Words #1, Hidden Words #2, Translation Station, Word Circles, Match Mania, Rebuses, Hard Word Search, and Scrabble
Adios amigos!