A special treat for today! Winter Holiday Missing Word puzzles! First up is Christmas. You can download the puzzle here.
Next up is Hanukkah! Download this puzzle here.
And next is Kwanzaa. Download this puzzle by clicking here.
And the season wouldn't be complete without a Winter Solstice Celebration! You can download this puzzle here.
If any of these puzzles give you trouble, you can download a packet of all the answers by clicking here! (Note: This file is a PDF. The others are JPGs.)
Need some dates for these celebrations? For the winter of 2015, Hanukkah comes first (it's already started!) and is celebrated from Dec 6th thru the 14th. Kwanzaa starts on the 26th and ends on Dec 1st (Kwanzaa is celebrated on the same dates each year). Winter Solstice occurs on Dec 22nd, but I think celebrations carry on for several days. And of course, Christmas is on the 25th, and that celebration stretches on for months...at least you'd think so based on the decor at our local shops!
I hope you enjoy these puzzles! And have a wonderful holiday season, whichever one (or more...or none) that you celebrate!