There's a video going around the gaming community that I wanted to share with you all. It's a recording of Mike Selinker (game designer and puzzle maker) listing out the 100 games you should play if you want to be game-literate. The panel where he presented this took place at PAX East (game convention) this past March. The video is an hour long, but it's worth a watch! At the bottom of this post, you can find the list of games he talks about.
Amber Cook attended the panel and was inspired to try out all these games. She says that she has only played 33 of the 100 and has created a blog where she will be sharing her experiences playing all 100 of the games. First up was TwixT. This is an old game that I've actually played a few times myself. My parents have a copy, and it is quite good. If you'd like to follow Amber, you can find her blog here.
Here's the list:
1. 1000 Blank White Cards
2. 7 Wonders
3. Acquire
4. Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator
5. Ascension
6. Assassin's Creed
7. Axis & Allies
8. Battletech Pods
9. Bejeweled
10. Betrayal at House on the Hill
11. Boggle
12. Bohnanza
13. Braid
14. Can't Stop
15. Carcassonne
16. Cards Against Humanity
17. Citadels
18. Civilization (video game)
19. Clue
20. Dance Dance Revolution
21. Depression Quest
22. Diablo II
23. Diplomacy
24. Dixit
25. Dominion
26. Dungeons & Dragons
27. The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
28. Falling
29. Farmville
30. Fiasco
31. Final Fantasy VII
32. Fluxx
33. The Fool's Errand
34. The Game
35. Gloom
36. Grand Theft Auto
37. Halo
38. HeroClix
39. How to Host a Murder
40. Ico
41. Ingress
42. Johann Sebastian Joust
43. Journey
44. Katamari Damacy
45. Killer Bunnies
46. The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
47. Lego Star Wars
48. Lemmings
49. Limbo
50. Lords of Waterdeep
51. Love Letter
52. Madden NFL
53. Magic: The Gathering
54. Mario Kart 64
55. Mass Effect 2
56. Mastermind
57. Minecraft
58. Mouse Guard
59. Myst
60. Ogre
61. Pandemic
62. Parappa the Rapper
63. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
64. Pit
65. Plants vs Zombies
66. Portal
67. Puerto Rico
68. The Resistance
69. Risk Legacy
70. RoboRally
71. Rock Band
72. Scrabble
73. Scribblenauts
74. Second Life
75. The Secret of Monkey Island
76. Set
77. The Settlers of Catan
78. SimCity 2000
79. Smash Up
80. StarCraft
81. Stratego
82. Super Mario Brothers 3
83. Talisman
84. Tetris
85. Threes
86. Tichu
87. Ticket to Ride
88. Time's Up!
89. Tokaido
90. TowerFall
91. TwixT
92. Uno
93. Vampire: The Masquerade
94. Werewolf/Mafia
95. World of Warcraft
96. You Don't Know Jack
97. You Have to Burn the Rope
98. Zendo
99. Zork
100. A game you designed
I've played 29 of these games. Many of the board games that I haven't tried yet are on my wish list. I really prefer to play board games over video games, so I'm not sure I'm really keen to try things like Assassin's Creed or Halo...but you never know!
How many of these games have you tried?