
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

FREE Back to School Weaving Pipes Maze

To celebrate the release of a new maze set in my TpT store, I have created a free weaving pipes maze for everyone to try out! This is just one of the new types of mazes you will find in my "A to Z Back to School Mazes" product. 

This is another A to Z style mini-book where there is one maze for each letter of the alphabet, so 26 mazes in all. The illustrations are from the incomparable Educlips and are super cute and fun! There are also 17ish different types of mazes included in this set from concentric circle mazes to dotted grid mazes. Some of the mazes have goals, and the difficulty levels vary. All these factors help to make the maze book interesting and challenging, while not being too overwhelming. 

The format is for a mini-book filled with mazes, but you can simply cut each page in half and use them separately as well. They would make great fillers or rewards as single sheet mazes.

And don't forget that TpT is having a sale today and tomorrow! (August 29th and 30th of 2023) My entire store is set to 20% off and by using the code "BTSBONUS23" you can get an extra 5% savings! It's time to load up on goodies for the new school year!

I hope you and yours enjoy the maze!

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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

FREE Beach Supplies Dot Maze

I spent some of my summer learning how to create new styles of mazes! It was quite a lot of fun! 

Today's free puzzle is a dot maze. It is a type of maze where the maze walls are created by connecting a grid of dots. This particular dot maze is fairly uniform with all the walls traveling at a 45degree angle and all the dots being equally spaced. But you can make them more free form which gives a looser, more organic look. You can find more information about creating dot mazes at the Do You Maze? blog.

This maze also incorporates the task of gathering supplies needed for a trip to the beach. Solvers must pass through spaces containing a beach ball, a towel, and some sunscreen BEFORE leaving for the beach. If they find the beach before finding the supplies, they have gone the wrong way!

You can find more dot mazes and a bunch of other maze types in my new A to Z Summer Mazes mini-book, available at my TpT shop!

I hope you enjoy the maze and maybe one last trip to the beach this summer(?)! 

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Friday, August 11, 2023

FREE Summer Rebuses #10

The last Summer Rebuses puzzle is here! This activity is for the young entrepreneurs. I remember setting one or two of these out in my youth. Never made a lot of money, but it was still fun! 

Hope you have enjoyed these rebuses and are having the best summer ever!

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Monday, August 7, 2023

FREE Summer Rebuses #9

Second to last Summer Rebuses puzzle is ready! Number 9 is maybe the easiest summer fun activity to accomplish. You and yours can hit your local one, but if you've got a really jazzy one in your area that features a wooden pirate fort or concrete climbing rocks, it could be worth a special drive out and about! 

When we lived in Germany, we had a ton of these on base, and we could spend the whole afternoon walking from one to the other, having a good time. We always brought picnic lunches with us and plenty of water!

Summer's almost done . . . hope you are able to squeeze in a few more fun adventures!

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Friday, August 4, 2023

FREE Summer Rebus #8

School is starting soon in some parts of the US, but we still have a few weeks left here. Try Summer Rebuses #8 and discover another fun activity to round out the rest of the season!


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