
Friday, October 21, 2022

More Halloween Rebuses - Free Puzzle

More Halloween Rebuses are available now! YAY say all the kids! Click the picture above to download the puzzle with the answer key included.

And if your kids are desperate for just one more Halloween Rebus page, you can purchase this set from my TpT store for $1.50. All the words are unique in every puzzle! 

Finally, just a heads up, I am now offering my Halloween mini books as full size puzzles. This version is meant to make a teacher's life easier with no cutting, collating, or stapling required. Just print the sheets you like and pass them out! I also thought these might be easier on the eyesight for those that might require that. So far I have finished 4th - 6th grade with the rest coming very soon! You can still purchase the mini-books (and they are exactly the same!) for grades K-6 here.

Halloween is my favorite holiday, you can probably tell by the number of puzzles I have created for it! You can find more Halloween freebies to download on the blog here. And even more rebus puzzles can be had here!

Happy Haunting!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Wisconsin Puzzles are Live!

Wisconsin puzzles are done! Yes! Now you and your students can have some fun learning All About Wisconsin with this mini puzzle book! There is a lower level book for 2nd and 3rd graders (1st graders might be able to solve these too). You can click on the picture above to purchase this set at The Puzzle Den on Teachers Pay Teachers

Each mini-book contains 15 puzzles filled with facts about Wisconsin, including many of the states symbols, some history, some geography, and just some plain-old silly facts. These are easy to print, but do take a little extra effort to cut in half, stack and staple. But I believe kids love little things, so what could be better than a mini-book!? You can send your students home with a mini-book to work on with their family as part of a unit study on Wisconsin. You can print the books with the answers included at the back, and each set comes with a cover page.

The upper level is also ready! This set is designed for 4th, 5th and 6th graders in mind. Just click on the picture above to purchase this version. Each set costs $5.

This is the 5th state I have completed. You can click here to see all the states that are available now. I am hoping to one day have all 50 states available, but that will take some time. If you have a state you would like to see sooner than later, just leave a comment on this post and I will get right on it!

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Monday, October 10, 2022

Wisconsin Puzzles Coming Soon!

Just a quick update ... I have been working on some Wisconsin puzzles, and they are almost finished! They are now getting a thorough testing, but they should be available in my TpT store next week. There will be a mini-book for lower level elementary students and another one for upper level elementary students. Each mini-book is jam packed with information about the state of Wisconsin. And both levels have completely different puzzles. Puzzle types might overlap, but the puzzles themselves are all different. One exception is the flag coloring page, which is pretty much the same for both levels. The upper level is a bit more complex in the description and coloring instructions. Anyhow! The point is that you could purchase both mini-books and combine them to make one HUGE mini-book all about Wisconsin, without too much repetition. 

The picture above shows page 3 of the upper level mini-book. It contains 2 puzzles. The first one is a What's Left? puzzle. Students will read about the legend of the Thunderbird (from the Menominee tribe of Wisconsin) and follow instructions for crossing off words. The words that are left will complete the final legendary fact at the bottom of the page! The 2nd puzzle is a maze which takes students on a tour around the state of Wisconsin. Interesting facts are provided!

I used a variety of resources around the web for my research. Here is a list of them, in case you'd like to use them to supplement your own unit study of WI.








I am out of town. Both my students are in college now and it's their fall break. It's also my mom's birthday. But when I get back I will get these finished up and posted!

Hope your October is lovely!

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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Signal Flag Decoder Ring

Do your kids like codes? Download this free decoder ring and your kids can start coding up some secret messages using signal flags. They will be practicing their critical thinking skills and doing some coloring too!

I have created 2 pages of secret messages for your kids to decode. The first one is about hamsters! This page also has some room to practice encoding at the bottom.

The second page is all about toes! These are just some random facts that I encoded with the Signal Flag cipher. The decoder ring itself includes some information on how this code is used.

You can click on any of the images to download the decoder ring and the secret messages as one PDF file (answers are at the end). Make sure you have access to Google Drive on your network.

You will want to print all these pages on a color printer. The flags are harder to decode in black & white. Also, print the decoder ring on cardstock paper. Carefully cut it out, place the smaller circle on top of the larger circle, then put a brad through the center so it can turn freely.

Here is a photo of my sample. Unfortunately I no longer own a working color printer (Windows 10 issues) so mine is black & white. It is not as fun without the colors! But I wanted to post a picture of the finished product in case my assembly instructions were not clear. 

Also, if your kids like this decoder ring, I have 3 more that you can download. Just click here and you can find the collection. 

I hope your kids enjoy this little coding project!

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Monday, October 3, 2022

Free Chicken Maze

Today's freebie is a chicken maze! Kids will assist a hen to her chick, then find them some food and, finally, get them to their coop for some rest. This puzzle can be used along with a new set of chicken puzzles in my TpT store. 

All About Chickens includes 3 puzzles which explore the parts of a chicken and a chicken's life cycle. The Label It! puzzle comes in two versions, one with addition practice and one with multiplication practice. The Life Cycle Fill In puzzle has two versions also, one with hints and one without. Finally there is a chicken shaped word search! You can score this set for $1.50 at my store.

Hope your kids enjoy these eggs-cellent puzzles!

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