
Friday, January 29, 2021

Transformations #3 - Free Puzzle

Another Transformations puzzle! I hope your kids are enjoying these! I am having fun making them for sure! 

This style of puzzle is easily viewed and solved on the computer. So if you are trying to cut back on paper waste, just gather your students around (or show it on your zoom call screen) and have them solve it as a group! More brains generate more solutions!

Click the picture to download the puzzle.

Happy Solving!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Amazing Avians - Free Crossword Puzzle

Today's free puzzle is all about BIRDS! This is a picto-crossword which means that solvers will have to be able to identify the drawings of the birds. This might be tricky for some of the birds, but a lot of them should be very familiar to kids, like the peacock and the eagle. Encourage your students to cross of the birds from the Word List as they use them. That will narrow down choices for the birds they don't immediately recognize. Also, lengths of the words and any intersecting letters should offer enough clues to get this one solved! 

Most of the graphics for these birds come from two great Teachers Pay Teachers stores, David's Simple Teaching and Artifex. The chicken is from Zip-a-dee-do-dah Designs, my go-to clip art shop!

Just click on the picture above, or here, to download the PDF with the puzzle and answers.

I also have a similar puzzle for the Creepy Crawlies! Click above or here to download that one too! (Just in case you missed it!)


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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Transformations #2 - Free Puzzle

A new Transformations puzzle for you and your students! I hope they liked the first one and got a good feel for how these work. This one is a little bit harder!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Transformations #1 - free puzzle

Here is a visual puzzle for your students. It involves matching pictures that have one letter that is different between them. For example, if you saw a picture of a place to sit and another picture of a group of singers, you would think 'chair' and 'choir' which differ by one letter. These can be tricky! Each picture could represent more than one word. A picture of a tack could just be a 'tack', but it might also mean 'sharp'. It may be helpful to have your kids write out all the words they can think of that each picture represents. Especially if they are having trouble with any of them. Answers are included on the 2nd page of the PDF file. Click the picture above or here to download! Remember, if you are trying to access these puzzles from a school internet, you may be blocked by your IT department, so try from home instead.

I hope your kids like these! More are coming soon!

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