
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Four-Fits 7 and 8 - Free Puzzles

 The Puzzle Den - Four Fits 7 and 8

Here is a new batch of Four-Fits puzzles today. I tried to make them themed with Spring and Pets. Some of the words might be a bit of a stretch, but they should still be fun!


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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Picto-Idioms #2 - Free Puzzle

 The Puzzle Den - Picto-Idioms #2

Another free puzzle ready this evening! It's Picto-Idioms #2. Enjoy!

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Creepy Crawlies Crossword - Free Puzzle

The Puzzle Den - Creepy Crawlies Crossword

Today's free puzzle is a visual crossword. Can your students identify these creepy but amazing little creatures? There is a word list provided to help with spelling and identification. There are extra words included...just to add a little extra challenge!

The clips for this puzzle come from two awesome Teachers Pay Teachers stores, The Painted Crow and David's Simple Teaching. Both of these stores provide realistic clip art that is clear and fun! So thanks guys!


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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Picto-Scramble Challenge Levels

 The Puzzle Den - Picto-Scrambles #5

The Picto-Scramble Challenge Levels are here! I was only going to make one challenge level page, but it turned out to be a little too terribly challenging! So I made a second one that is challenging but not brain-frying-ly so. Challenge Level #5 above will have some hard words in it, but should still be within the capabilities of most strong spellers.

 The Puzzle Den - Picto-Scrambles #6 - Super Challenge Level

While Super Challenge Level #6 almost beat me and I wrote the darn thing! My daughter thought these puzzles were fun until I gave her this one. It sat on her desk for many days, unsolved. We ended up working on it together, and two brains had trouble with it! So I don't expect all students to even know all these words...some of them are hard! But I thought it might still be interesting for some, so I am putting it out there. Definitely see if your kids can conquer Challenge #5 before giving them this page!

Good luck!

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Four-Fits 5 and 6 - Free Puzzles

 The Puzzle Den - Four-Fits 5 and 6

Four-Fits 5 & 6 are now ready for solving! Download by clicking the picture above!

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Easter Pixel Art - Free Coloring Page

 The Puzzle Den - Easter Pixel Art

This is actually a redo of an old puzzle I created a few years ago. In the original version, the squares are too small, so I've redone it with bigger squares, which should make it easier to color. Click on the picture above to download a copy!

Hoppy Easter!

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Sunday, April 5, 2020

U to Z (except X) Mini Fill Ins - Free Puzzles

The Puzzle Den - U to Z Mini Fill Ins

The last set of Alphabet Mini Fill Ins is now available! This includes U to Z, except for X. There are just not many words that start with X that kids will recognize and know how to spell!

The Puzzle Den - Alpha Word List No Extras

I have also generated 2 Word Lists. The one above has all the word lists needed for all 25 puzzles.

The Puzzle Den - Alpha Word Lists With Extras

While this word list includes extra words for each letter, maybe making it a little more challenging! I made these word lists because some of the words used are pretty tough to spell. So you can print just one copy of whichever list you like and use it for all 6 pages of Alphabet Mini Fill Ins.

You can find the other puzzles posted here:
A to D
E to H
I to L
M to P
Q to T

Stay safe!

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Free Easter Mazes

The Puzzle Den - Easy Easter Maze

Easter is only one week away! Here are a couple mazes to get your kids started on their celebrations! There is one easy maze and one harder maze. The harder maze is more of a medium maze, but if your kids like mazes, I don't think they'll quibble.

The Puzzle Den - Hard Easter Maze

Just click on either picture above to download both in one .pdf file. The answers are on the last two pages.

The Puzzle Den - Easter Mini Book for Third Graders

I've also put all my Easter Mini-Books on sale for half off in my TpT Store. You can grab them up for only $1.50 each from now until April 17th. The bundle of K through 6 is on sale for $8.40. These bundles are great for those who suddenly find themselves home with children of many different ages!

Each of these mini-books contains 15 different puzzles for each grade level. There's some coloring, visual puzzles, math, science and language too! Answer keys are included in the back of each book. You just need to print the pages, cut each page in half and then staple them together. They'd make a cool addition to any Easter basket!

Also, TpT is having a site-wide sale from April 6th to the 7th. You'll be able to get up to 25% off on your purchases with participating sellers. You do need to use the promotion code FORYOU.

Enjoy the mazes!

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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Q to T Mini Fill Ins - Free Puzzles

The Puzzle Den - Q to T Mini Fill Ins

The second to last set of Alphabet Mini Fill Ins is ready! The letter Q will be a bit challenging, I think. The 'quail' and 'quiver' picture may cause some frustration as these aren't super common words. My tester also thought the 'sneaker' was really tricky because she thought it was just a shoe. As soon as I finish the last page (U to Z), I will put together a set of word lists that students can use along with the Fill Ins, in case they can't think of what something is called or have trouble with the spellings.

Happy solving!

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Mixed Up Signs - Free Puzzle

 The Puzzle Den - Mixed Up Signs

Here is an oldie but goodie! This is a puzzle I created several years ago. You can find it in the Freebies/Fun Friday section of my blog (or click the picture to just see this puzzle). These were little puzzle packs I put together for older students. There are 10 sets of them available, and even though the puzzles were written in 2013, they are still a lot of fun! So check those out, if you have some bored older students.

I decided to resurrect this puzzle because it is a great visual puzzle that can be solved right off the computer screen. So no need to print at home. I don't know about everyone else, but I am on my last packet of printing paper right now, so I'm trying not to print too much!

Also, this is one of my favorites! Ginny and I already had a laugh over the "Do Not Stop" and "Dead Children at Play" signs this morning. It's a fun puzzle and also informative as there is information on sign color and shape at the bottom of the page that are also helpful clues.

I hope this helps brighten your day!

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Four-Fits 3 and 4 - Free Puzzles

 The Puzzle Den - Four-Fits 3 and 4

Four-Fits 3&4 are now available to download and print! Don't forget to snag your copy of Four-Fits 1&2, if you didn't get it already. In my previous post, I said that these puzzles were probably best for older students, but I really encourage you to try them with your younger students too. They might not know some of these words, but will be able to solve these with a little help from their older siblings or parents. I think these are really fun!

Some hints for solving Four-Fits:
1) There is a picture clue per puzzle to get things started.
2) Cross off words you've already used, and that will help to narrow down choices as you go along.
3) Never solve in order! Always skip around and try different words. Some are easier than others.

Hope your home-educated students are enjoying these puzzles!

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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Picto-Scrambles #4 - Free Puzzle

 The Puzzle Den - Picto-Scrambles #4

Picto-Scrambles #4 is now available to download! (Note: if your kids are having trouble with the picture of the cloud blowing some wind....that is supposed to represent 'air'!)

I have one more Picto-Scrambles almost ready. It is a Challenge Level, so if your kids are finding these too easy, #5 should offer them quite the challenge! Stay tuned for that puzzle soon!


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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Two Free Puzzles - M to P Mini Fill Ins and Picto-Idioms #1

The Puzzle Den - M to P Mini Fill Ins

I've got two free puzzles ready this evening. Continuing the Alphabet Mini Fill Ins series are the M to P puzzles.

The Puzzle Den - Picto-Idioms #1

And a new type of word puzzle that doesn't require printing, just gather everyone around your phone or computer screen! Picto-Idioms will get your kids learning about the English language.  They might even have a little bit of fun with it at the same time!


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